Programs accommodate undergraduate colleges, private and public schools, homeschoolers, Boys and Girls Scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs, and community groups.
Hands on History
This is a program that adapts our collection to all learning levels. This program is designed for educators seeking to enhance their students’ historical curriculum. It includes: the Civil War, World War I; historic timelines; fashion histories; 19th century Cape Cod life; American folk art of the 19th century.
Playing the Past
What was life like for a girl in a Cape Cod seafaring town in the 1800’s? What were your clothes like? What skills did you learn at home? What games did you play? Meet friends from your village, examine period clothing and design an outfit for a paper doll, make a needlepoint sampler, play some old time games, and write about your adventures in your diary.
Morning at the Museum
This is a program of children’s crafts, games and activities from the past. Learn about and experience some of the ways children enjoyed their free time. Cape Cod was a seafaring area. How did ships communicate? Make nautical signal flags. There were no cell phones so how did you send a friend a note? What about postcards? Make a postcard such as a child might have sent to a friend before texting or telephones. What did you do for fun? Play games with some old games that children played in the past. Create and play an historic board game; learn about toys from other countries, including Worry Dolls, and make your own.
Third Grade History Program
The Centerville Historical Museum's Third Grade Program began in 2000 as a collaborative effort between the museum and local third grade educators. Museum volunteers coordinate this program that combines hands-on teaching techniques, and guided tours of selected museum exhibits. Third graders spend time at the museum learning about three periods in Centerville's history: "19th Century Simple Machines," "Maritime History of Centerville" and "School Days from 1860." By studying actual artifacts from the museum's permanent collection students get to actively participate and explore their own important local history.