click on Exhibitions tab for more information
Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints
On exhibit are thirty-two Ukiyo-e prints by twelve 19th Century Japanese artists.
Memory Collectors
19th Century Photo Albums and Scrapbooks
Hats Fashion
This exhibit features two hundred years of hat types and styles.
Hollywood Comes To Centerville
Hollywood comes to Centerville tells the story of Herbert and Natalie Kalmus (inventors of Technicolor) who summered in Centerville.
18th & 19th Century Small Armaments
This exhibit examines the technological changes of small armaments between 1780 and 1875.
Paisley Fashion
This exhibit features Mid-19th to early 20th century paisley garments
Colonial America
This exhibit focuses on the colonial kitchen and the many tasks that were performed there on a daily basis which were necessary to the well-being of the entire household..
Battles; Spies; Cooties The Great War
We examines the major battles, the development of espionage, and the changes in the technology of warfare of World War One.
Shipwrecks! mystery - murder - misery
Coming Events
Spring Scheduled of Events
- click the Events tab on the tool bar above (desk top) or the gray menu square above (mobile).
Museum Shop
click the Shop tab on the tool bar above (desk top) or the gray menu square above (mobile).
View the exhibit videos
- click the Exhibition tab on the tool bar above (desk top) or the gray menu square above (mobile) to view exhibit videos.